Sleep 2x better with Baldrian

Do I sleep better with Baldrian? Here are my results after 30-day test.

Here are my results

I tested Baldrian to sleep better for 30 days.

It is said in the Orient that Baldrian makes you tired faster and dream better. That’s exactly what I have been testing for 30 days now.

Baldrian is said in the Orient to make you tired faster and dream better

Table of content:

  • Why I tested Baldrian (Valerian) as an alternative supplement.
  • How I took Baldrian
  • My honest opinion about sleep supplements
  • Did it help me?
  • Will I use Baldrian in the future?

How it began

At the beginning of this month, when I was still suffering from lack of deep sleep, which is caused by many factors including – but not limited to – being overworked, stressed, and using different patterns, I researched better ways to deal with that. Because the interrupted night-wake pattern only results in being all over the place, agitated and annoyed. I woke up grumpy, gained a significant amount of weight out of “nowhere.” My diet didn’t change. Just every morning, I woke up with a slight headache or a fuzziness that drove me crazy. 

I came across Baldrian. “Hmm…”, was my first thought when reading about it. Still, then I read more and more about it – including how it works for insomnia patients very well and that it is entirely organic, even bio, and I didn’t find any significant negative effects, I gave it a try.

Using it is super easy. It’s one pill per evening, 1 hr before I went to bed with plenty of water. And guess what –

I slept better!

That’s how it felt for me as well as my better half who was also testing along with me.

It is a supplement that is harvested from natural roots and works – as I found, after 30 days of using it – better than pure Melatonin, which was my previous go-to product. And better than any other supplement I have ever tried until now.

It is not a sleeping pill, however, it does help you fall asleep better and sleep better. And the best thing: It doesn’t make me “dizzy.” It almost feels like a natural sleep kicks in, and you want to let go of the day to really find a relaxing sleep.

It helps me with relaxing the muscles better after training. It completely calms me down and lets me wake up more relaxed.

The first three nights or so, I had a feeling that I was dreaming a bit “weird.” But I couldn’t remember. The cool thing for me is that when I wake up, it’s like a BAM, and I am in the new day. As before, I was often waking up a few times per night, when I sleep in hotels sometimes, and it’s noisy or unfamiliar. With Baldrian, I sleep like a baby.


Here at Pillow Brothers, we don’t recommend supplements. We just give the results of studies or experiments we try ourselves. And I would not recommend per se that you take Baldrian.

Just to be clear: I am not a doctor, and this is only my personal experience.

My experience, in summary, is: better, deeper, and more relaxed sleep with better waking up feeling.

Thank you for reading!

I tested Baldrian to sleep better for 30 days and it helped me

Oh, and as a little bonus, this free youtube video helps to get into the right sleep pattern, enjoy.

Buddy 9/30/2021 11:41 AM

Buddy Masterson, Co-Founder of Pillow Brothers – Other interests include my life, my wife, my dog and marketing, eCommerce and Personal Development.

Pillow Brothers – the blog to make you sleep better.

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